Thank you for using this search capability which has been specifically designed to assist you with researching potential shell company infrastructures involving UK registered entities. .

It is strongly advised that you conduct additional research using the websites of Companies House, The Gazette and Open Corporates. The results presented in this tool will primarily direct you to the original datasets held by Companies House and The Gazette, as well as Open Corporates and other commercial providers.

Please always check the URL of the listed results to verify the source of the information on display.

There are currently four different search capabilities within this page (the information in yellow identifies the sources searched):

  • Search Companies House for historic addresses linked to companies - Companies House

  • Search for UK entities (companies, officers, addresses) - Companies House, The Gazette, Open Corporates and others

  • Search for addresses associated with Officers - Companies House

  • Search for connections between individuals and wet signatures on UK company documents - The Gazette (note: this search will not guarantee results!)

We recommend that you use Boolean search operators and Exact string keyword searches to achieve more precise results.

Search Companies House for historic addresses linked to companies

Search for UK entities (companies, officers, addresses)

Search for addresses associated with Officers

Link names to wet signatures on UK company documents (enter a name and see if you can find a wet signature. Please right-click on results and open link in new tab to view!)